PROJECT 2: Payables
Groen Fields
Groen Fields
- Ask a teacher for the Fields data files from the Accounting 12 file in the PALC computer lab.
- Ask your teacher for a copy of the Groen Fields project.
3. Read and work through the whole project.
4. The chapter begins with Company Information.
Following that, the actual Instructions for your work begins
Following that, the actual Instructions for your work begins
Then, you'll find the Source Documents/Keystrokes section, a step-by-step help with your work.
5. Ensure the accuracy of your work. Remember, you can always use a fresh copy of the data file and start over if you need the practice or have made too many errors.
- You will not print your projects; you will give your teacher a copy of your project file.
- After handing in your work, proceed to the next project. Allow a few days for your instructor to mark your work.
To hand in your project:
- Look at all the reports listed under instruction #2.
- Give your teacher these two files with your name and the project name. It should be in a folder which contains both parts of the Sage 50 files. For example: “YourName”FieldsMay31”